If Walmart Can, So Can I

Confession time, the last time I had a Christmas tree up it was 2010. My daughter stopped believing in Santa Claus when she was about 8 and since we don’t really believe in the whole religious meaning around the day, and money had always been tight, we just never bothered with a tree. We would purchase extra things through out the year for our daughter and give it to her then. She always preferred to get her gifts on the {Read More}

Halloween Traditions and Fun With Hershey’s

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Global Influence and product was supplied to be via Hershey’s. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I remember way back from when I was a kid we would dress up in our costumes and go from door to door in the neighborhood. We always went to the houses where we knew we would get reese’s peanut butter cups and Hershey kisses, we like to refer to these houses as {Read More}

It’s the Devil!

This morning as I went through my facebook feed, I ran across a post on MyFoxMemphis. This post caught my eye, because it talks about how the Halloween parade and other celebrations had been canceled… With having over 160 comments on this post and currently living on the Bible belt, I already new what the comments where going to say! Halloween is the Devil’s Holiday, blah blah blah. As soon as I started to read them I was correct! Here {Read More}

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