Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 14

Can you believe it has been 2 weeks now since I started the Journey Gym Challenge! It seems like the days are just flying, tomorrow I will be doing a vlog to give you the run down of my progress, I will be taking measurements, and all that good stuff I was a bit sad that today was an intermediate workout, those ones kill me! I have been unable to do the assigned workout for today due to the site {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 1

As promised, I am going do my best to do daily updates on my progress on the 70 Day Journey Gym Challenge. This is not required of me with the program, I have received a Journey Gym, and I am getting coaching from the awesome folks at Journey Gym. The first few days I have to write down what I eat, and send it on over to Journey Gym , so they can get a better feel of what I {Read More}

5 Weight Loss Tips for Workaholics Using

It’s easy to explain away weight gain when you’re working 12-hour days. “I sit in front of a computer all day.” “I don’t have time to work out.” “I just get drive-thru for lunch.” It’s a challenge to lose weight when you have a busy schedule, but you simply have to make time for something as important as your long-term health. That means the muffin top, the love handles, and the junk in your trunk – all of them have {Read More}

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