Streaming Entertainment Could Replace Conventional Television in the Future

Competition from streaming services, economic hurdles and contract disputes may lead to the end of TV as we know it. With the rise of services like Netflix, Hulu and others, cable and satellite TV providers are slowly becoming obsolete. The approaching changes in how most people watch programming are hurting television providers more than many would realize. Programmers are forcing television providers and customers to buy packaged channels in order to maximize profits, but streaming services allow users to pick {Read More}

Gillian’s Top 10 Netflix Kid’s Picks for 2013

Gillian has decided to continue her Netflix Kid’s Picks series with the top 10 Netflix kids movies and shows for 2013. Some of the movies are recent titles, but others are old favorites. Gillian enjoys pet movies, action fantasy and of course, girly movies. If you’re on the lookout for some fresh movie ideas for the kids, here are Gillian’s current top 10 favorites. 10. Princess Protection Program – Selena Gomez co-stars with Demi Lovato in this light-hearted film about {Read More}

How Will the Last Season of Dexter End?

The final season of Dexter is quickly approaching as fans gear up for the series’ June 30th kick-off. Proclaimed by the show’s creators as ‘the beginning of the end’, the last season of Dexter is sure to be one of the most thrilling seasons of the show’s entire history. During season 7, Dexter’s sister learned of her brothers “extra-curricular” activities, and she hasn’t been able to deal with the burden of it. She saved Dexter from going to jail by {Read More}

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