Take Online Classes To Receive Your Diploma

At a place like Christian Educators Academy, students can learn about God and life. Students can earn a high school diploma from grades 9-12. This is something that is rare for online colleges to do. Being able to study on your own time is priceless. Many working mothers find it very difficult to continue their education because they always have to find time for their children. If they are a single working mother, it is even harder to get the {Read More}

Brand Names and Quality

When it comes to purchasing certain items, I have to have the name brand product. The reason being, the other products just do not hold up compared to the name brand products. For example, when it comes to dish liquid, there’s only two brands I normally purchase, and that’s Dawn and Gain. Why? Because the other products are usually to thin, and makes for using more dish liquid when washing dishes, which in return equals a waste of money. So {Read More}

School is Almost Out!

I cannot believe the school year has come to an end, it seems just like yesterday when we started. While calendar school year is over, Gillian will still be doing Math this Summer. She has a love hate relationship with it, and she needs to find more love for it. Hopefully, with focusing just on Math, she will get a better hang of things. I remember when I was in school the Math they’re doing now wasn’t until 8th grade. {Read More}

Free Resources for HomeSchoolers

I have been homeschooling my daughter for the past six years. While we started out in public school, I learned rather soon that public schools were not for us. I don’t for one minute regret my choice to homeschool my daughter. Over the past 6 years, I have searched high and low for resources to help make our learning fun. I want my daughter to understand the material taught to her, instead of her dreading the time we spend on {Read More}

HP Envy 120 Home Schooling Friendly

Update: While this printer is a nice printer, after two weeks the scanner/copier light will not come on. You can read the update here. HP as of right now is refusing to offer any solution to the problem. I have always been a fan of HP products, I also had a love for Kodak. So when it came time to getting a new printer, I went with the Kodak ESP 5200. The main reason I chose this printer was because {Read More}

Finally Catching On

It seems as though it has been an uphill battle trying to teach my daughter double and triple digit multiplication. I am very hopeful that she is finally catching on. I have found the easiest way to teach her these sort of problems is by printing off worksheets with several problems on it, and working them out with her. Her seeing me do them, and seeing how they’re done step by step has helped her understand how it all works {Read More}

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