Rafflecopter and The Blahs!

I have been the giveaway entering queen lately. I have made entering giveaways pretty much a full time job. Granted I am still looking for work, but I am not stressing it as much, because I really need to put my 100% into school. School doesn’t start until the end of August so, I am going to enter as much as I can, win as much as I can, so I can stock pile for the holidays. Sound greedy, or selfish? Well, it isn’t it is smart.

Why is it smart? Because if you are on a very limited income, this will help you in more ways than one! I just recently won my nephew one hell of a gift, I know he will love it! This gives me the opportunity to also get my nieces and nephew presents. Because, let’s face it, this Aunt hasn’t been a very good aunt, not because I didn’t want to be, but because money prevented me from sending presents on their special days. For those that do not know, I am 800 miles from my family, so it makes it hard to be the best auntie.

Anyways, I have been on both sides of the giveaway hype. The one doing the giveaways, and the one entering the giveaways. I have to admit in the past 2.5 years, entering giveaways has come a long way. New plugins are coming out to make it easier and easier, to not only enter, but to draw the winners.

Recently, I noticed a new gadget called the Rafflecopter. At first, I disliked it, I thought it was a pain in the butt… only because it was new. After a few days I began to love it, UNTIL, I went to do a daily tweet, and all my progress was gone from the brain of rafflecopter. Ugh, now the entries I wanted to wait to do, are lost with the ones I already did. I enter hundreds of giveaways a day, it is hard to keep up with who I followed on twitter today, who I liked on facebook yesterday. So, having the option already blocked out showing I did it was nice, until it blahed and disappeared, now it shows I didn’t do it. Anyways, I can live with that, because the rafflecopter does make entering go a lot faster.

However, I found something else I do not like as well… rafflecopter sometimes DOES NOT LOAD! So after I do my tweet, I leave it in a comment! Why? Because rafflecopter was not there, if it is a giveaway I remembered was using rafflecopter a simple reload of the page works, but as I stated before I am entering hundreds a day, I cannot recall every giveaway that uses rafflecopter.

Overall, I do like rafflecopter, I get annoyed seeing “you are commenting to fast. slow down.” Entering on Rafflecopter I can enter as fast as I want without wordpress fussing.

What do you think about rafflecopter? Are you a fan of it?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Rachel R. says

    I’m a huge fan of Rafflecopter, both for entering and running giveaways. It does have a few kinks like you pointed out, but they are working on it and constantly improving it.

    • Oh, I love the Rafflecopter as well, I think t is just what the bloggers needed, makes entering so much easier for the ones enter too. I know it is still beta, that was just a few things that were annoying me is all. Matter of fact after I blogged this the co-owner contacted me, so it shows they also have great people working on it, since they took the time to reach out to me about the annoyances I was having.

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