Numbers: What’s The Meaning Behind Them

It is pretty evident that numbers make the world go round. Numbers are everywhere and I personally feel numbers connect us to the spiritual world. When I was younger, I never stopped to look at the numbers that were always placed in front of me. It wasn’t until my daughter was born in 2001, that I really started to look deeper into the numbers I seen on a daily basis.

My brother passed away in May of 88, he was 4 years old at the time of his passing, I was only 9 so this was very hard on me. I would often talk to my brother, and when I got older I would go to his final resting place and talk to him about things going on in my life. In 2000, when I discovered I was pregnant I was excited! I was finally getting the baby I had longed for, once my daughter was born I started to look at numbers in a whole different way.

If you’re a US citizen, then you know once a child is born, you send off to get them a Social Security Number, this number is a unique number “assigned” to one person to allow the Government to identify them. This is used when you get a drivers licenses, when one gets a job, when one applies for a passport and so forth.

So when I received my daughters SS# in the mail, I noticed right away her birth year, plus 4 digits of her 9 digit number were my brother’s birthday! To me, this is a sign from my brother that he is with me everyday, and he heard me when I would talk to him about my problems. From that day forward, I watched the numbers.

It seems lately my brother’s birth year is popping up everywhere!


Now that my baby is almost 13, and I am getting older, I am wanting a second child. Of course, in 2009 I took myself off the pill, and we were going to try, however, being on the pill for so long and my weight has caused some issues. I have been working on losing weight, because I so bad want another baby.

If the time comes that we conceive I want to be prepared, so I have been entering giveaways galore for baby items. I noticed the other day when entering them 84 has been appearing everywhere! I am seeing it in the number of Facebook Shares, the captcha, the number of entries, and even in my twitter urls.

Today alone I have come across at least 10 different things that had 84 in them… take a look…


As you can see from the picture above 84 is in the number of entries into the giveaway and 21 is the day I was born.


Another one where 84 is in the entries into this giveaway, one of the ones I was entering also had 84 in the twitter URL.


My email I use to enter giveaways happened to be at 184; 2001, is when my daughter was born, and 1984 is when my brother was born.


The above image has a deeper meaning with the numbers, it expires on my husbands birthday. The 15th of April, 1988 is then our home burnt down. This is the reason my brother was taken from us at such a young age… and of course 84 is the year he was born.

After seeing 84 in almost everything I did, I decided to take to Google. With me believing numbers connect us to the spiritual world, I wasn’t surprised when I found this…

They show us the same numbers over and over…

Our Loved Ones love to give us numbers that are relevant to them or to you. It could be a birthday, an anniversary, the date of their passing, the time of their passing, or even repeating numbers such as 111, 222, 333, etc. These numbers may appear on clocks, billboards, or any other familiar place. They can also come from family, friends, or even strangers. When driving, pay attention to license plates in front of you, to billboards you pass by. Some of the best signs of numbers can come from bumper stickers sitting right in front of you.

Now to make since of it all, my personal life has been a roller coaster, a lot has been going on, and I believe my baby brother is telling me everything will be fine, it will all work itself out, that I need to stay strong. I also believe he is telling me when the time is right, we will have another child.

Do you believe in numbers being a sign? What are somethings you notice in your life that would have you thinking your passed loved ones are with you?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Ann Marie DeBlasiis says

    Hi Jamie, I found your article very interesting. I lost my daughter Jessica Dec, 26.2013. She was born February 28, 1983. Since her passing I have woken up at 2:28 am each time. As soon as i saw the time I immediately thought of her birthday. At first i thought it was a coincidence but it has has happen several times after that. When it happens i thank her for visiting me and tell her how much she is loved and missed. It is fascinating to me that she communicates with me in this matter, and that we are still connected even though she has passed. I often wonder how she get me up to look at the clock at that time. Do you have any ideas? Thank you for sharing your article. I enjoyed reading.

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