Save Money By Powering Your Home With Propane

More than 12 million U.S. homes use propane for home heating systems, water heating systems, cooking, generators, appliances, and much more. As the summer heats up, homeowners everywhere look for ways to stay cool without seeing a huge increase in energy costs, and this infographic published by Griffith Energy Services reveals that propane is the clean — and cost-effective — answer.

Propane offers an environmentally friendly way of cooking, giving off 30 percent fewer emissions than cooking with electricity does. Better still, using propane lets you control cooking temperatures far more precisely than when using an electric range. So how does propane use help you stay cool when the weather is hot? Reducing your fuel use by cooking with propane can help you avoid taxing your air conditioning system during summer. Indeed, switching to propane can reduce your energy costs by as much as 20 percent.

Best of all, if you already use natural gas in your home, you can easily convert your existing implements to propane, and you might become eligible for tax credits in the bargain. And because 97 percent of the propane used in the United States is produced in North America, you’ll know where your fuel is coming from.

But propane isn’t only for cooking and heating. A propane generator is the best way to beat power outages in winter and summer alike. Outages can last for hours or even days, but a propane generator can have the power back on in 10 seconds. Depending on how much propane you have available, a propane-powered generator can power your home for as long as five days without a break. Unlike natural gas, which lasts about 3 to 12 months, propane doesn’t deteriorate when properly stored, allowing you to keep your propane on hand indefinitely — confident that it will be there when you need it.

powering your home with propane

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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