3 Methods to Avert Indebtedness and Gain Financial Independence

Many consumers don’t really consider the long-term effects when it comes to debt accumulation and how they plan to pay it off. These people are in massive debt because their attention is focused on acquiring credit to purchase consumer goods. Indebtedness may lead to a lack of control over a person’s life, causing the feeling that their work is only in service of their debt. As credit cards have high interest rates, it is a real mistake to incorrectly use cards as financial tools rather than using them to facilitate transactions.

Here are some methods to help you become financially independent and avert indebtedness:

Have one card as a transactional tool

One fact when it comes to cards is that possession of a single credit card is more than adequate in fulfilling one’s basic needs. The elimination of other credit cards likely tames the possibility of increasing debt. Ownership of one card will quickly lead to reaching the card’s limit, forcing you to clear the balance before embarking on further use. A common misconception is that it’s not possible to build a good credit score with one card, but with assistance from experts on boostcredit101.com, you can attain a good credit score with a single card and avoid falling deeper into debt.

Plan a budget after every paycheck

Planning a budget is vital if you want to gain more stability in your finances. Prepare the necessary payments you will need to cover until your next payday. By factoring in your fixed payments, you will be able to understand your financial position and confirm how much you have left for fickle expenses. With a budget, you will gain self-discipline as you are fully aware of the balance left until your next paycheck. A budget is a simple yet vital tool with significant benefits.

Avoid unnecessary expenditure and save before buying

Stick to your budget and avoid expensive habits like ordering take-out and similar unnecessary things. Unnecessary spending is addictive and sometimes occurs as a result of peer pressure and influence. If you find yourself purchasing anything using your card with the excuse that you do not have cash up front, that’s a sign that you can’t afford it. If it is not an emergency, you are required to plan and start saving in advance for the purchase. This planning will protect you from using your card and paying hefty interest rates. On the other hand, you can save and pay by taking full advantage of credit card promos at zero percent within the specified duration. By doing so, you are capable of collecting and paying for your purchase in full because the 0% promotions are focused on saving before purchase.

However, to avoid finding yourself in additional trouble with debt, it is advisable that you be careful in following the terms and conditions.


If you follow the above steps to the letter, you will quickly get yourself out of indebtedness. However, if you have problems with the stabilization of your finances, you may need to seek professional advice and support.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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