I Won’t Give Up On Yoda

Giving up on Yoda, would be like giving up on one of my kids and I cannot do that. I don’t have it in me to turn my back on him. Some might say he is just a dog and risking anything is stupid. I say he isn’t just a dog, he is my family, I have my husband, my daughter and my dogs. I woke up this morning and all was well, then as I sat here I started {Read More}

So Angry It Hurts

The pain, anger and hurt I feel right now is like no other. I never was a dog person until I went back to Michigan. I never thought I could love or care for a dog, I mean they shed, they crap in the yard and at times they can be down right annoying. I am angry at myself, because I could have and I should have done more for Yoda and I am angry at Yoda, because he couldn’t {Read More}

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