Gas Prices Falling

Last night as I laid in bed looking at facebook, I couldn’t help but notice someone I follow mentioning how they finally have hope for the world because of the falling gas prices. While, I don’t believe it means hope for the world, I personally believe this is the relief the American people needed to see.

As I scrolled the comments, I seen many stating how much gas is in their location, many places have just hit right below $2 a gallon. I couldn’t help to notice several people not so happy about the falling gas prices. They explained that due to the lower gas prices this will hurt the economy because many that work in the oil field will be laid off due to no work.

Now, I understand many work in the oil field and higher oil prices mean more money for them, however, what about the folks that don’t work in the oil field. Do these people not realize that there’s more people not working the oil fields that the high gas prices were hurting them and the high prices of gas were hurting the economy just as much…

I mean if you have someone working for minimum wage and they work 30 miles from their home one way and drive a vehicle not so good on gas, they’re paying half their check each week on gas so they can get to work and make a small amount to somewhat help pay bills…

Another thing that confuses me, how does low gas prices stop work in the oil fields. I know it lowers the price of oil, however, just because gas prices are low doesn’t mean we don’t need oil still, afterall were we not using oil reserves when gas prices were through the roof??? Why isn’t oil being collected to put back to the reserves that we used…

The way things are done in this Country are just so ugh. I don’t see those in the oil fields giving two-shits about the low and middle class family that’s barely make it when gas hit almost $5 a gallon in some places. I am having a hard time feeling “sorry” for those in the oil business. Maybe they should “rethink” their profession, isn’t that what some say to those fussing about not being able to afford gas?

So the question is, do you think the low gas prices will hurt the economy. I think there has to be a middle ground for everyone, not just so those in the oil field can “profit”. I would be happy to see the prices stay around the $2 mark.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Gas prices falling?? Not here in NYC! How’s $4.99.9??? OMG….everything just keeps going up and up…and if the prices WOULD fall, it would HELP the economy, I think. People would have more $$$ to spend on gas to travel, buy things…it would stimulate the economy. (Just my opinion!)

    • Jammie Morey says

      I am showing gas up there is roughly 2.69 a gallon. Not sure why your area is higher, I would be going a bit down the road to fill up :)

  2. Woo-hoo! Found one for 3.29.9! Yay!

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