Is 2015 Over Yet?

Seriously, is 2015 over with yet? I am beyond ready to close 2015 and start 2016 off on a good start. So far every single month something bad has happened and I am so over 2015. On January 22nd, you may recall I was bitten by Yoda. I don’t want to say attacked because that just seems like a mean thing to say and I love Yoda deeply, and it still bothers me that he is gone.

Anyways, I was bitten on the 22nd of January and since I went to the ER animal control was informed. Deep down I know surrendering Yoda over HAD to be done, because I do have a child and I couldn’t take the risk with her. Even though we always took those extra steps to ensure he wasn’t left alone with her, we couldn’t protect her from him unless we did what no one wants to do and that is surrender him over, because the truth of the matter is, Yoda had his own problems and he had aggression problems we just couldn’t help him with. It still kills me but it would have killed me more if he got my child.

Anyways, after being bitten I was placed on strong antibiotics, since Yoda had not had no shots they had to make sure I didn’t get sick, well they didn’t bother to tell me the antibiotics themselves could make me sick. On the 9th of February, after eating a spicy hot pizza I got sick. I am not talking throwing up sick, that never happened. I am talking I could do nothing because I was having to run to the bathroom or I would crap myself.

I thought this had to do with stress of losing my dog, the bit and well my monthly. Although, my husband would urge me to get in, I would see how I felt the following day. While it seemed to get better, I still never had control of that urge and then came the blood and the fever. On the 3rd of March, I broke down and ended up in the ER.

I was dehydrated and cramping badly. After 2 IVs, blood testing, urine samples and stool testing it came back I had C Diff.

The first DR wanted to play it off as a GI issue, thankfully he called a second DR for a second opinion and he requested the stool testing which lead to the C Diff, which is what the second DR thought from the start. C Diff, was caused by the antibiotics that I took from the dog bite. You see if took all that good bacteria in my stomach and killed it, then the bad bacteria had a field day releasing all sorts of toxins into my body. My body tried as hard as it could to remove those toxins, however, it couldn’t keep up.

After 6 hours in the ER I was sent home with even stronger antibiotics, these ones they knocked me on my ass. As was given one pill before leaving the hospital, I came home and went to sleep. My husband then went and filled my script the following morning. I literally slept almost a full week. All day on the 4th I slept, I woke up long enough to take my pill and I was back out. I didn’t eat for three days, because I couldn’t stomach the taste.

This new antibiotic has some killer side effects and I think I received everyone. First, everything tasted like metal, then every time I swallowed it felt as though I had hair on my tongue (furry tongue), my head would spin so bad, all I could do was sleep.

About 4 days of sleeping, I did get up and see about going to Walgreens, it took everything in me not to pass out while walking through the store. The nurse told me before I left the ER I wouldn’t feel better for about 7 days and she was correct. Today has been the first day where I have been able to do anything at all, I still get a little dizzy but no where near as bad as when I first started the pills.

I still have 7 days of the pills, but I will be glad when I can finally get back to living a normal life.

I do have to say though my husband has been a very good husband while I have been laid up in bed, he had a few husband fails, however, I forgive him because he atleast made an attempt to try.

So that is why Round em Up Friday was never posted, that is why I have lacked on posting and that is why I have been missing in action, because I have been sleeping!

Have you ever had C Diff? Who bad did it take a toll on you?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. I know how you feel, and I pray life gets better for you and yours.

    • Jammie Morey says

      Thank you Barbara, I know as of right now it stinks. Hopefully in time we will see a plus through-out this whole mess.

  2. Sounds like you have had a few bad things happen already this year! What i say is that good things will balance out the bad things that have happened, so get ready for a great rest of 2015, stay positive!

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