Is 2015 Over Yet?

Seriously, is 2015 over with yet? I am beyond ready to close 2015 and start 2016 off on a good start. So far every single month something bad has happened and I am so over 2015. On January 22nd, you may recall I was bitten by Yoda. I don’t want to say attacked because that just seems like a mean thing to say and I love Yoda deeply, and it still bothers me that he is gone. Anyways, I was {Read More}

Sick or Sinuses

Last few days I have felt like crap, I am not certain though if it’s a cold or my sinuses. Last week my daughter got over a cold that stuck with her for about a week, this one just sprung on me. Seems I have more sinus like symptoms vs cold ones, but going in to by sinus pills is a joke. In the state of Tennessee you get the third degree before you are allowed to purchase. I guess {Read More}

#1 Reason Why You Should Watch Where You Walk

My daughter has been sick now for a week. She has this cough and stuffed up nose. I have been keeping medicine in her and making her get rest. She has not been running a fever or nothing, just a few sniffles. I went in the bathroom to change the water in the vaporizer and to get it going again for her when all of a sudden “son of a bitch ouch mother ouchie” and more escaped my mouth. I {Read More}

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