Covid Hit Me Twice

Working in home healthcare, it puts me at a greater risk of getting sick. You guys might remember back in November my whole family ended up getting COVID. We went the first 2 years without getting it. Then my main client passed away from other issues not being COVID and I picked up a few other clients and BAM. COVID ended up finding us. It was weird how each one of us experienced it differently. I had it the hardest, {Read More}

Why the education industry is ditching pen and paper for online assessments

The education industry has undergone many changes in the past two years, mainly due to the pandemic. One such change was the shift from physical learning to remote or online-based learning. Online assessments became a crucial component of remote learning. Even as institutions are opening nowadays, they remain a mainstay. While educational leaders and student still have questions about online assessments, there are some obvious benefits. Convenience If you have ever had to arrange tests or assessments, you might have {Read More}

Do I Need a Prescription for Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy provides a number of advantages, including reduced discomfort, improved function, expanded range of motion, improved posture, and more. Physical therapy, which consists of a combination of functional exercises and instruction about how your body operates, has numerous advantages. Physical therapists can help you manage chronic pain, recover from an injury, or even improve your athletic performance. Do I need a prescription for physical therapy? That is the million-dollar question. And, in a nutshell, the answer is no. By {Read More}

Marriage Counselors in Albuquerque NM – When to See One?

Is your marriage going through a turbulent period? Arguments and disagreements are indispensable aspects of every long-term relationship. Nevertheless, some couples struggle with more serious issues, including indifference, a lack of communication, heated quarrels, secrecy, infidelity, insufficient intimacy, etc. If you believe your relationship deserves a second shot, you should consider marriage counseling. These are the most common telltale signs you need to visit such a counselor. Indifference An unmistakable sign that you and your spouse should see a marriage {Read More}

5 Things You Should Teach Your New Puppy

  So you’ve brought home a new puppy! How exciting! And now with all the newfound responsibilities and love in your life, come questions. The biggest one is how to train a puppy. Puppies need the training to ensure that they develop good behavioral and social skills. Puppy training will determine your pup’s personality, so naturally, you want to be sure it’s done right! Need someone to throw you a bone? Below is a quick and easy guide I’ve compiled {Read More}

iLive 40″ HD Sound Bar with Bluetooth Review

We are a family that loves our entertainment, especially in the cold winter months. Often times you will find us curled up in front of our fireplace kicking back watching movies. If you’re a movie fanatic like us, you know certain movies you need the best quality sound you can get. It always seems like no matter the volume level on the TV you can never get it loud enough. Thankfully, we had the chance to check out the iLive {Read More}

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