10 Healthy Tip For Getting The Kids Back To School

After a hectic Summer, school will soon start back up. With school starting it usually means sick kids. Although we are a home schooling family, there are still things we have to do to make sure the kiddo stays healthy!

#1 Make sure the kids get plenty of rest, when going to school they should get at least 8 to 10 hours. This will in sure, they can focus during school, and they will not fall a sleep. If Gillian doesn’t get enough sleep she is grumpy and I have a hard time getting her to do school work.

#2 Lots of vitamin C! With kids that go to public schools, they are more likely to get sick so the more vitamins in their body the better.I know when Gillian, went to public school she was always getting sick. Now I make sure she has orange juice in the mornings. Never know when she will come across germs when we go to the store.

#3 If you are a home schooler make sure the kids get a lot of exercise. With not going to public school they lack the play time on the play ground, and gym class.

#4 Make sure the kids are up to date on all shots, just because you home school doesn’t mean the kiddos do not need their shots. I like to make sure Gillian gets a check up every year.

#5 Limit the intake of TV, and computer time. This will make sure the kids are more concerned about getting school work done, rather then playing video games, or watching Disney Channel. I know with Gillian if we do not set a schedule, she will watch TV while trying to do school work, and that doesn’t work so well.

#6 Get them on a routine at least 2 weeks before school starts. Wake up bright and early, eat breakfast, shower, brush teeth, and make sure they have everything in order before heading out the door, sometimes it is easier to make sure everything is in order the night before. Less rushing means less stress.

#7 Lay their clothes out the night before, this will cut back on rush time, and make #6 a lot easier!

#8 If they carry lunches, make them the night before, this is another great way to reduce stress on you as the parent.

#9 Talk about BULLYING! This is huge in the school systems, let them know that bullying is not nice, and if at any time they are the one being bullied to get help, and tell someone. I know when I was a kid I hated going to school, because of this same thing!

#10 Give lots of kisses and let them know how proud you are of them, and how great they are doing. A child is more likely to do well when they are encouraged and praised.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Transitions Lenses blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Love the idea bout talking about Bullying.. I never thought about that. Thanks for a great reminder and school really is just around the corner so get the little ones ready…:-) Thanks for the great tips..

  2. About #3….. well lets just say that you are off the mark. I have 1 child in public school and 1 child homeschooled. My homeschooled child spends hours outside climbing trees, wading in creeks, playing army and more. My public schooled child gets less than 20 minutes on the playground, and 35 minutes for gym 2 times a week–in 2nd grade!!! While almost everything is a family choice, sending kids outside to play vs. keeping them inside at the TV, it is unfair to assume that public schooled children get more physical activity than homeschooled children. Realistically I think the reverse to be more true. But that could just be because I live in a rural area where it is safe to send kids outside to play.

    • “Cough” I home school as well, and I was in a state where it was to hot to go outside to play, therefor my daughter was lacking some of the exercise she needed. Which if she was in public school she would have gotten from Gym. I know home schooling families, that do not give their children the proper playtime they need. So no I am not off the mark, good for you and making sure your child gets the proper play time. I am stating as in home schooling children need “gym” worked into their schooling as well.

      Now that we have moved, my daughter is outside all the time.

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