5 Natural Products That Should Be Part of Your Beauty Routine

hairBeauty trends come and go but one of these trends has persisted throughout time. The use of all natural beauty products dates back thousands of years when women would use natural pigments from the earth to enhance their appearances. With the creation of modern, chemical equivalent to these substances the trends shifted away from natural and toward the less expensive, chemical alternatives.

However, more and more women today are actively seeking out natural products to add to their beauty regimens. In most cases these products are less toxic or irritating to the skin and the brands that offer them often create their products without animal testing and without some of the environmentally unfriendly manufacturing processes.

If you’re looking for more natural beauty products to add to your arsenal, these are five items that can help you look your best and feel better knowing that you’re contributing to what may cease being a trend and start becoming the norm.

1. Skin Care

Whether you’re looking for a great cleanser or a moisturizer that minimizes pores, there are many natural alternatives to your traditional choices. Some of the newer cleansers use ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter, and olive oil to remove impurities but retain the skin’s natural moisture.

Instead of benefiting your skin many of the commercial beauty products on the market today can actually do more harm than good. Sulfates and other ingredients can exacerbate conditions like acne or eczema, so sticking with natural ingredients is one way to help combat these conditions.

2. Hair Care

Shampoos and other hair care products have been packed with chemicals for the better part of the last one hundred years. Artificial salt, sulfates, and other chemicals have been added under the guise of producing luscious hair, but many of these chemicals do more harm than good.

Thankfully, today we have a number of choices for all types of hair. Argan oil can help tame curls and frizz, and look for the best tea tree oil shampoo to really nourish your hair and scalp. Styling products are also following the natural ingredient trend so you can also achieve the perfect style without adding too many chemicals to your hair.

3. Nail Care

One of the best things about natural beauty products is the fact that they can be used in multiple ways. For instance, the coconut oil you use on your face can also help soften rough and dry cuticles and hands.

Nail polish has long been one of the most chemical-laden of all beauty products, but that trend has also shifted. Science has once again come to the rescue and has allowed the creation of new versions of water based nail polish that still retain vibrant pigments without the chemical fumes and damage to the nail itself. In fact, some experts go as far as to advise that pregnant women avoid most nail salons altogether.

makeup4. Makeup

If there’s one aspect of natural beauty products that has exploded over recent years it’s makeup. Everything from foundation to eyeshadow can now be found in natural or organic versions, and even some of the more established makeup lines have embraced this trend.

Makeup superstores like Sephora are a great place to start if you’d like to begin using natural products. If you’re unsure about your skin type or which of the many makeup products is right for you, the salespeople are always ready to help.

5. DIY

While you can’t necessarily create nail polish from the natural ingredients you’ll find in your home, there are many ways to replicate some of these products without leaving your kitchen. For instance, table salt or white sugar mixed with coconut oil makes a wonderful body scrub, and a rinse of apple cider vinegar can add shine to your hair.

Olive oil works well as a makeup remover, and a blend of avocado and honey creates a wonderfully soothing face mask. The opportunities are endless, but when you tire of whipping up beauty products in your kitchen remember that your all-natural choices are readily available.

Becoming more aware of what we put in and on our bodies is crucial to our overall health and well-being. Making the switch to natural or organic beauty products is just one way that we can not only help to improve our own health but possible the health of our planet. Start with just a few simple product changes and see how good natural looks on you.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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