4 Ways To Make Kids Less Afraid Of The Doctor

Going to the doctor can seem like a scary experience. Even you might find your blood pressure going up a little when you see your doctor, and you’ve been getting annual exams for years. Your child doesn’t even have that experience, so you need to do what you can to make sure he or she gets through the examination with as little fear as possible. If your child seems afraid, try these four solutions to curb the fear.

Let Your Child Use the Doctor’s Tools

A doctor’s tools of the trade can look frightening to some children. Even something as simple and nonthreatening as a stethoscope can look like an alien torture device to a young child who hasn’t seen one before.

Ask the doctor whether it’s all right for your child to explore the equipment that will be used during the checkup. Once your kid gets to experience how the stethoscope is used, he or she might become excited about having the device used.

Of course, there are some items in the examination room that your child shouldn’t touch. Make sure you get permission from the doctor so that you don’t contaminate anything or put your kid in harm’s way.

Keep Your Kid as Comfortable as Possible

Feeling uncomfortable can contribute to your kid’s stress. The more creature comforts you can offer, the less afraid your child will feel. You may want to bring a few favorite items from home, such as soft clothing and a cool drink. Your doctor might have warm Bair Hugger blankets to help make sure that your little one stays warm and happy.

Offer a Reward for Staying Brave

The prospect of earning a reward might give your child the encouragement he or she needs to stay brave while visiting the doctor. Some doctors still hand out suckers and other sugary treats at the end of their exams. If you’re worried about how much sugar your child eats, though, this isn’t the best option. Besides, you need to have a reward prepared ahead of time to keep anticipatory anxiety under control.

Instead of using food-based treats, reward your child with extra computer time, a chance to stay up an hour later than usual, or a special activity such as going to see a movie or visiting animals at the zoo.

Choose a Fun Pediatrician Who’s Good With Kids

You have a lot of concerns when choosing a pediatrician for your child. For instance, you want to make sure that the doctor has enough experience, can see your child on short notice, and accepts your insurance policy.

When reviewing doctors, don’t forget to find out whether they have fun with their young patients. An enthusiastic pediatrician who knows how to keep patients entertained can do wonders for anxious children. For some doctors, that means turning exams into games. For others, it means creating silly stories that distract children from scary situations. Talk to several pediatricians to find one whom you think your child will enjoy.

Helping your child have positive experiences at the doctor now could lower the risk that he or she will feel scared of doctors in the future. The less fear your child feels at an early age, the more comfortable he or she will feel throughout life.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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