Inexpensive Ways To Get Fit And Feel Incredible

The trouble with getting fit is that at first glance, it can look pretty darn pricey. The gym clothes are only a small part of it – and you have to look the part after all – but running shoes, workout plans, personal trainers, gym classes, and even the healthier food choices can all add a fair amount onto our monthly expenditure. For some people that’s fine, but for many of us we can’t justify redirecting our cash like that, so getting fit is at odds with wanting to be able to eat, travel to work, or sleep in a warm, dry place. But there are options for getting exercise which doesn’t cost the earth, it’s just about getting inventive, and it might require a bit more personal motivation too.

Try some free workouts

Of course, the gym is the obvious place to go for a workout – they’re literally made for that purpose – but they can be expensive, busy, and in some cases soul destroying. Many people feel self-conscious using a gym, or just can’t justify the cost. The alternative is finding ways to workout without having to use expensive equipment. For example, jogging in the park is a great way to get fresh air, and as long as you have some trainers and comfortable clothing, you’re good to go.

Other people choose to get their exercise in the privacy of their own backyards – did you know that jump ropes are an amazing high intensity, medium impact workout that’ll help the pounds to fall off? All for the cost of a couple of dollars for the rope. Hula hooping – yes, those plastic rings from the toy store – are great for core strength and balance exercise, toning stomach muscles and learning a cool party trick too – and they’re only a couple of dollars apiece too. Gym equipment doesn’t have to be fancy rowing machines or a treadmill in your guest room – you don’t even need to spend five bucks to get some great workout gear.

Make the most of YouTube

While you might want a personalized workout plan, you can also supplement these with some fun new workouts that are available on YouTube. No longer just a place for funny cat videos, YouTube is now chock full of great, free workouts that you can play on your cell phone, tablet, or PC and follow along with the routine. There’s absolutely everything available, HIIT to tai chi, and yoga workouts to Blogilates, a fun and modern take on pilates which can be found here – If you’re in that irritating position of wanting to work out, but worrying about committing to a new class without having given it a go first, YouTube could be your savior. Try a few different workouts in the comfort of your own home before committing to an activity – they’re basically like free taster sessions.

Shop around for workout plans

Many people feel more comfortable using a pre-defined workout plan created by a professional. It can help to guarantee results, and they find that paying for a product is far more likely to help boost their motivation. Nobody wants to waste that upfront fee after all. If this sounds like you, don’t just go for the first regime you see – however highly your friend recommends it. It’s always worth shopping around, not least so that you can get value for your money, but also to guarantee that it’s the routine for you. Signing up for twelve weeks, only to realize that you can’t stand the type of workout can be really disheartening. Check out online reviews of the weight loss plans and exercise guides before you commit. Many different women have different expectations and different experiences – so be sure to check out a few reviews like this one of Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide before you commit to any long-term plans. Make sure you have your aim (weight loss, strength, muscle definition) in mind before you choose, as different regimes will target different desires. It’s useful to have the length of time, budget, and weight-loss per week goals in mind while you’re making your decisions too, as each guide will differ significantly.

Make healthy everyday choices

Exercise should never just be unique to the few hours or workout you do in a week – there are plenty of other ways to workout in day to day life which can make a huge impact on fitness and weight loss. Why not hang up your car keys and walk to the store, to your friends’ houses, or to the gym? A half hour of walking every day can make a significant impact on your overall health, and helps to speed up any weight loss goals you might have. And it’s not just walking – why not take the stairs instead of the elevator at work? Yes, you might end up on your floor a little bit sweaty the first few times, but after a couple weeks of trying it’ll be as easy as pie, and you’ll feel energized and proud of your achievements as a result.

It isn’t just about what exercise you get – your workouts have to be complemented by your diet too. There isn’t much point in working out like mad when you’re still binging on chips and donuts afterward. Don’t cut out everything you love – the odd slice of cake never hurt anybody – but a move towards a more healthy diet will have a significant impact on your body. A diet high in lean meats, oily fish, and leafy green veggies is great for building muscle, replenishing energy after workouts, and even leaving your skin and hair healthy and glowing. If you just choose to make one change, cut out the snack foods – if you’re feeling a bit peckish reach for a few seeds or nuts, veggie sticks, or a piece of fruit, not chips and candy. You’ll see a difference in no time.

Getting the exercise your body needs to look its best doesn’t have to cost the earth, but it does take a bit of motivation and some imagination too. If you’ve got a cheap way to work out, I’d love to hear it.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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