Winter Is Coming: Can You Prevent Coughs & Colds?

As everyone enjoys the last few days of summer, it’s hard to argue that fall and winter are just around the corner. While in some ways their return can be keenly anticipated – changing leaves, comfortable scarves, the delights of Christmas – they do tend to bring an unwelcome visitor along with all the good points: health-damaging coughs and colds.

While we have a tendency to describe a cold as “just a cold”, the reality is that they have the ability to make you feel pretty awful. It feels like you’ve been gargling knives when you swallow, your nose is stuffed up so no food tastes the same – not that you have much of an appetite anyway. A cold tends to mean a week of feeling awful, so it’s no wonder what people find themselves wondering if they can be prevented.

Can You Prevent Colds?

No, not really.

Sorry, that sounds a little defeatist doesn’t it? It’s the truth though; there’s no way of preventing coughs and colds entirely. If there was, you can pretty sure that whoever came up with the idea would have sold it and made their fortune already. There is no absolute surefire way you can be sure you’re not going to fall victim to a cold this fall and winter.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your chances.

Why Do Colds Spread So Easily?

Frankly, due to poor hygiene. Multiple studies have shown that, even when we think we’re being cautious with our hygiene, we’re not. Think of all the things we touch on a daily basis, from door handles to parking machine buttons – all of these can carry and harbor the cold virus. The virus can last for around 24 hours on a surface, giving it a high chance of future unsuspecting victims.

So How Do You Prevent Them?

The first method of prevention – or at least, increasing your chances of preventing them – is to strengthen your body’s defenses. Your immune system, when well taken care of, has the power to crush colds in their track and prevent infection – so this should be the primary goal. Many things can strengthen your immune system.

Such As?

Garlic is a well-known natural way of improving your immune system; it’s even been suggested this is why it has its place in folklore for warding off vampires. So why take garlic supplements if you can just eat garlic? It’s tough to eat enough garlic to have an appreciable effect, so it’s beneficial to also introduce a supplement.

It’s not just garlic that can be beneficial, either, though it is the most well known. Oats, yogurts, and shellfish should all be introduced to your diet – as these are far easier to eat large quantities of than garlic, you shouldn’t need to supplement them.

What Else Can Help Prevent Colds?

Practicing good hygiene practices when outdoors can be hugely beneficial. Wash your hands frequently using soap and water; this is far more effective than antibacterial hand gels. Also avoid touching things like door handles directly; even a paper napkin is a good enough barrier.

So while you may not be able to prevent coughs and colds entirely, by practicing these techniques, you should at least be able to give yourself a fighting chance!

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.

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