Tips for Taking an RV to a Music Festival

Music festivals have become a favorite way for people of all ages to enjoy their favorite artists, and also to have fun with friends and family while they’re at it. There are music festivals held all over the country. There are the famous and most well-known ones like Coachella, and then there are smaller ones in cities, towns and rural areas throughout the U.S. and even the world. During the summer months is when music festivals are in full swing. {Read More}

3 Fun Ways To Entertain Yourself Online This Summer

How many of you have been struggling with the heat so far this Summer? I recently, moved back to Michigan from Tennessee. I left my central air behind and this awful heat is playing a number on me. I have been spending a lot of time in the swimming pool and when I am inside you can find me under the fan! Of course, in the evening hours I like to unwind finding fun things to do online whether on {Read More}

5 family vacation ideas that will prove a hit this summer

If you’ve ever tried to plan a family vacation, then you’ll know what a stressful experience it can be. Whether you’re trying to find pet friendly extended stay hotels or a destination with activities that will please adults and children of varying ages and with different interests is a skill akin to rocket science – just how are you meant to keep everyone happy? Well, we’ve got a few ideas ahead of the summer vacation season arriving. From walking holidays {Read More}

Some Things for You and Your Friends to Do on a Slow Weekend

From time to time, even the most dynamic, exciting, and creative group of friends are bound to draw a blank when thinking of what to do on an upcoming weekend or holiday. This isn’t too surprising — as people, we tend to fall into fairly predictable ruts in terms of our behaviour. For some of us, this means that our social lives revolve entirely around going to the same pub, getting drunk with the same people, and feeling the same {Read More}

First Ever Concert Foo Fighters in Memphis, TN

On Thursday May 3rd 2018, my husband took me to my first ever concert at a big venue, we went and seen the Foo Fighters at the FedExForums. This place is massive and the concert was amazing. The Foo Fighters were supposed to be in Memphis back in October, but due to a family emergency the concert was canceled, which played in our favor because we were able to get tickets to the new show date. With it being my {Read More}

Simple tips that will help you make the best Card tricks

The Card magic is special; you can’t do it unless you practice a lot. In addition, you need a little bit of talent, because hard work combined with native skills can turn you into the Card master in no time. A famous magician says that most people who want to do Card tricks don’t have the necessary patience for this, so they don’t practice as much as they should. Others, on the contrary, get bored while practising because they don’t {Read More}

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