Gillian’s Easter Present

With Easter not far away, Daddy wanted to get Gillian a Bunny. He was hoping she would pick a not so normal bunny. Well she wanted a white and grayish/black Mini Rex. She is so soft, but she’s a bit skid-dish still. Gillian has decided to name her Isabelle. Daddy decided he was going to get a bunny to so we would have a cuter one. So he picked out a Holland Lop Ear Bunny. She is also a female, {Read More}

Kids say the craziest things.

Today was our first day back to school since Christmas break. As I was working out Gillian was working on her schooling. Well she asks me “Mom what do you do with dogs” I was like you walk them. She asks what else. Umm run them. “What else”. Hello you are the one doing school work not me. I have no idea what does it say. “Eat, meat,” and there was another word. So I look at it and it {Read More}

MagnaPlay Holiday Contest

As you all know I LOVE entering giveaways. Well as entering I came across one that my daughter got to enter. I stumbled on this by mistake. The giveaway I was entering was for a MagnaPlay set, well we was suppose to go to the MagnaPlay website and tell them what we learned. I found the giveaway in the process. So I wrote down what Gillian was suppose to write about and I used this as a school project. She {Read More}

Gillian Grounded…

So last night after Gillian was done with all her school work, I decided I would let her get on the computer. So she gets all excited I go into the bedroom to turn on her computer and guess what its broke. UGH So when daddy comes home I have him look at it and it seems the power supply has went south. Gillian is not to happy right now. Daddy says looks like God wanted her to be grounded {Read More}

Follow The Purple Panda (Littlest Pets)

Hasbro is having a follow the purple panda contest. If you are a winner you will receive a Special Edition Purple Panda. This sweepstake ends November 1st @ 11:59pm there will be 100 winners. You know how my daughter is about the littlest pets of course I entered her to win. Also for a limited time you can sign up for a free trial to the website.

Gillian’s Art Work

I think one day my daughter will be an artist. All the details she puts into her drawing. Before we decided to home school her the kindergarten teacher was impressed on how well she detailed her art. The people she drew was not stick people, they had hands, feet, arms and fingers. Today she brought me this piece of paper, and I asked her if she was the one who drew that. My favorite is the mouse. I just wanted {Read More}

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