Koala Littlest Pet

My daughter is a HUGE Hasbro littlest Pet Shop fan. So when she see on T.V the Koala littlest pet and the only way to obtain it was by collecting stickers and sending it off in the mail. She came running to mom all excited telling me what we needed to do. Me not knowing what she was talking about decided to google it. And I found this site. So I started searching for this journal. Walmart was sold out. {Read More}

Littlest PetShop Owl Give Away

How many of ya’ll have LPS fans. I know I do. My daughter is a littlest pet shop nut. Whenever we go to the store I am hearing “mom can I get a new pet” I tell you what those little things can sure run into some money. But seeing the smile and excitement on my daughter it worth the price. But anyways lets get back to the give away. I am a bargin shopper. I love a bargin and {Read More}

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