Holding Back The Tears

I sit here holding back the urge to break down and cry. Knowing that what’s about to happen needed to happen, but not really understanding why. As I sit here, I picture Yoda, scared, shaking, wanting his family. I see Bones, watching the door, waiting for his brother to come home. Jumping at every little noise hoping that his brother has finally found his way back. We all knew this time was going to come, the time that Yoda bite {Read More}

Being Positive

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to see the positive in everything. I knew thinking negative would only cause me more stress and I honestly don’t need no more stress in my life.  I wouldn’t voice any negative opinions or feelings, and I would do what I could to think positive. I know that God is the one in control of what happens, and I have no right to be the judge. However, I failed that resolution just like {Read More}

Trying To Accept It All

Tomorrow will make a week since everything fell apart. I am still trying to understand it all, I am not mad at Yoda, I am more mad at myself and the shelter. I am mad at myself because I knew how Yoda is, I knew I shouldn’t have went for the stick. I know I should have been able to and had no issues, however, I know Yoda had his own little problems. I am mad at the shelter, because {Read More}

I Have Lost All Faith and Hope In Human Kind

There is a reason I am not very fond of people. Most everyone I have meant has either been a snake or a liar. If you follow my site you know that on the 22nd my dog Yoda bit me. This wasn’t the first bite, but it was the last and it has indeed cost him his life. I knew if he ever went to the animal shelter he wouldn’t come out alive, however, I had hope when I went {Read More}

I Won’t Give Up On Yoda

Giving up on Yoda, would be like giving up on one of my kids and I cannot do that. I don’t have it in me to turn my back on him. Some might say he is just a dog and risking anything is stupid. I say he isn’t just a dog, he is my family, I have my husband, my daughter and my dogs. I woke up this morning and all was well, then as I sat here I started {Read More}

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