What A Week!

What a week, I know I have been MIA for a while now. I have been having a lot of personal issues and such to deal with. I am going to keep that topic off the blog though.

Anyways, you know that “Storm Shelter” we was trying to do, and the cargo container we purchased for almost $3,000. (Rolling eyes) Well anyways, that WILL NOT work, so unless some nice person wants to donate me the money to have a professional come in and place me a storm shelter I am not getting one… What the hell, if any storm shelter company in the Memphis, TN area wants to donate one to my family I will give them a permanent ad on The Neat Things in Life, this means an ad for the life of my site.

After spending most the day painting this cargo container, I started to look up how to move it, doing so I ran into a bunch of places stating it is NOT safe to place these in the ground… The reasoning for that, the walls can cave in unless we properly stabilized them. The floor is NOT metal it is wood; the top CANNOT hold much weight… Hmm waste of money L $3,000 to be exact, we took out a loan for this damn container now we cannot use it for what we had planned to use it for. I ended up sitting here that night freaking out, I cried for a good 4 hours, when my husband woke up I informed him… He was not too happy at all, but what the hell was I supposed to do about it, not tell him let him get it in the ground only for the walls to cave in and then it really would have been a waste of money.

We have decided to use it as a shed, blah so no storm shelter for me, which means I get to freak out when bad storms come and pray to God that is not the day he wants to take my family. Joy!

So, as you can see I have been a bit stressed, and depressed and not feeling like doing any posts. I do have a few reviews to get posts, and a few giveaways, I will see about getting to them this next week. Don’t forget Mother’s Day Extravaganza with Gabrielle from CA Monkey Momma starts April 3rd, we have a lot of goodies in store for all of you! Anyone want some Flowers, or what about a cake?

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. Testing to see if this shows up…

  2. CA Monkey Momma says

    LOL BLAH SAYS hahhaha

    Sorry for the hectic week. Things will get better :D Sometimes sucky things gotta happen for us to find what we really need – each other!!! <3 You guys will be fine and I'm sure everything will work out in the end.

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