A Figure for Every Occasion: 3D Printed Toys to Shake Up Your Next Themed Event

3D printers enable users to customize objects and print them exactly to their needs. You end up with a highly limited item that fits your body perfectly, reflects your particular tastes, or looks like something inspired by your dreams. Right now, it’s even possible to map your friends’ faces onto personalized action figures and give them out as novelty gifts. If you always wanted a miniature version of yourself as a pirate, a basketball star, or a Star Trek character, {Read More}

First Vendor Event DONE

My husband and I did our first vendor event with the 3D printer today, and all I can say is thank goodness it’s over! This vendor event was at a local middle school, I was extremely disappointed with the turn out, and I am asking myself why the school had it on a day where several other things were going on around town. This particular event had 48 vendors, no one vendor was the same. They had Scentsy, Pamper Chef, {Read More}

Recycled Peach Can Turned 3D Printed Birdhouse

When we first got our 3D printer, I went to thingiverse looking for items I thought would sell. I searched birdhouses, and right away found one, I knew I wanted to print out. I took to the printer and started printed, well, the design was a mess and my birdhouse ended up tumbling over. I was determined to get a birdhouse, so my husband started playing with the design, and we finally got it to work! Yesterday, we printed our {Read More}

3D Printed Dissectible Frog

How many of you remember dissecting a frog when you were in school? I remember dissecting a frog, a cow eye, and a worm. With being a homeschooling family, chances of my daughter being able to dissect a once living frog, is probably slim to none. However, with this new 3D printed frog we discovered on Thingiverse, she can learn all about the frog! Yes, we printed a frog and its inside parts. Not only did we get that we {Read More}

First Sale On Etsy

Yesterday, marked one month of having the 3D Printer, when we decided to take this journey, we knew it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. We knew it was going to take work. We got the website up, added our items, and we decided to also put everything on Etsy. To be honest, we were iffy about putting stuff on Etsy because of the fees. However, we knew if we wanted to get seen, and if we {Read More}

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