Flabs to Abs Starts Now

Over the past few months I have watched what I put in my mouth and I have been drinking a lot of water! Water has become my best friend, and most of our meals are lean meat and lots of veggies. I like purchasing the big bag of vegetables from the store, then we will mix them in with some chicken or beef. I have to say in the last few months my body has made a complete change, from {Read More}

Our Garden

Well I just went out and checked on the garden. I really didn’t think it was gonna go any where. This is our first garden so that could be why I was freaked. Well we have sprouts. We planted April 23rd. and we have squash, watermelon, pumpkins, and onions sprouting all ready. There maybe more sprouts but those are the ones I see. So as soon as they are going good I can go weed them. I am so excited {Read More}


Well I talked my dear husband into helping me do a garden. Let me tell you talk about work. It took us about 4 hours in all. We planted tomatoes, carrots, 2 different kinds of hot peppers, 2 different kinds of bell peppers, cucumbers, yellow squash, onions, watermelons, pumpkins, thyme, cilantro, and rosemary. I would have loved to planted more, but we didn’t have much room and I wanted the basics for canning. Gardening is so much work but the {Read More}

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