Archives for October 2011

Miss My Baby Being A Baby

I miss my baby being a baby, it seems like forever ago when I had her. I wish they had half the things they have now for new moms, it would have made things so much easier. Now they have cute baby carriers, and I even seen a really cute baby back carrier I would have loved to have had when my daughter was still a baby. I know it would have made things so much easier. To be honest, {Read More}

Time To Think Solar Energy

I have been telling my husband for awhile now, we need to look into solar power. It seems like every-time we turn around our electric bill is going up. During the winter months it gets as high as 400 a month. Now that is a bit much to have power. If we can find a better way that not only helps us, but the environment I am game. At first, my husband thought I was nuts, then I started to {Read More}

Halloween Light Show

My husband was on youtube this morning when he came across a house that was done in lights for Halloween. Of course I was checking out the TV and I got to searching Google for Halloween Light Show. Okay, take about 4 minutes to watch the below video, go ahead I will wait. Are you done? Now if you do not think that is awesome something is wrong. This is what I am talking about, we need to get the {Read More}

Dexter My Favorite Serial Killer!

Who here watches Dexter? My husband got me into Dexter in Season 2, at first I was sickened by all the blood and such. However, after I actually sat down and watched it, I fell in love with Dexter. Michael C. Hall is perfect for the part. What do yall think will happen this season? Do you think Deb will find new love? I personally do not like Deb on the show, she is just um ugh. One of those {Read More}

Who To Call When You Have Water Damage

If you have ever been in a fire you know your home will suffer some sort of damage. Whether it be extensive water damage, or damage from the fire itself. While some items are unrepairable when disasters like this occur, some of your property can be saved with proper cleaning. If you experience a fire and you have a large amount or water damage I personally suggest you to call a professional to come in and clean up the water {Read More}

When To Show Tough Love

Do you have someone in your family that is addicted to drugs or alcohol? Has this person became the outcast of the family, the one who everyone is talking about? “Oh if that Johnny would straighten up, he sure is a disgraces to his family” “Did you hear about Sue’s, Johnny? He got busted for crack the other day. I cannot believe that nice young boy became a druggie” Often those talking do not realize there is more to the {Read More}

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