4 Ways Your Can Deal With A Snoring Partner

Snoring is a relatively common problem. Did you know that 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women are affected by snoring?

People who snore, make a raspy, rattly sound as they breathe while asleep. While this will most probably have little effect on their sleeping habits, it can cause all sorts of problems for the rest of the household.

Being woken up at 3am every morning by your partners incessant snoring, is not the best way to start the day. Not only can your partner’s snoring affect your sleep pattern, it can also have negative effects on your relationship. That is why it is important to find ways to deal successfully with the problem before it causes any long term damage to your relationship.


For our guide to four ways you can deal with a snoring partner, have a read of this.

1. Talk to your partner about their snoring

Don’t yell or get angry in the middle of the night, instead wait until the morning and sit down and discuss the issue properly.

Make sure to be gentle when you mention that their snoring is loud and is waking up everyone else. Your partner may be unaware that they snore and may feel embarrassed. If your partner is upset by the fact that their snoring is causing problems, make sure to comfort them. After all, it isn’t really their fault.

Once your partner is aware of the problem, you should then be able to discuss things that they can do to help. Such as trying out some different remedies and treatments to stop snoring.

2. Get your partner to sleep on their side

Your partner is more likely to snore if they sleep on their back. This is because the base of the tongue vibrates off the throat and causes snoring to occur.

To help reduce the chance of snoring occurring, ask your partner to try sleeping on their side. If they find this difficult, it might be a good idea to invest in a full-length body pillow, to place behind them. A full-length body pillow will prevent them from rolling over onto their back while they sleep.

3. Buy a mouth guard

Today, there are many different items on the market to stop snoring, some of which are very effective, like the snorewizard, for example. To help your partner to stop snoring, consider investing in some sort of mouth guard for them.

If you are unsure what the best type of mouthguard would be, ask them to make an appointment to see a doctor and discuss it.

4. Speak to your partner about their weight

If your partner is a little overweight, this could be causing their snoring problem. Extra body weight, especially fat located around the neck, puts extra pressure on the airway making it partially collapse. It is this, that can lead to snoring.

Make sure that when you are speaking to your partner about their weight that you are kind about it. Don’t make them feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, instead give them all the facts and suggest making some lifestyle changes together.

Snoring can be annoying, but there are plenty of simple ways you can deal with the problem.

About Jammie Morey

Jammie is of Native American descent, her family is from the Ojibway/Chippewa tribe in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. She was born and raised in Michigan and currently resides there with her daughter. She is a single parent and enjoys spending time with her daughter. Jammie is a home healthcare aide and loves what she does outside the home. Jammie is Owner of The Neat Things in Life.


  1. My husband always INSISTED he didn’t snore. He could rattle the windows. I recorded the sound of him snoring, and when I played it back, he insisted it wasn’t him. Try to argue with a snorer, it’s a lost cause!

  2. lana simanovicki says

    I love this my husband snores all night long im gonna try some of these things you have recommended thank you

  3. lana simanovicki says

    my husband snores loud and all night im going to try these things

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