out with the old in with the new

I am a bit behind when it comes to cellphones. Last year we did have texting, but certain things happened and I had to cancel it. We have never had an actual data plan for longer than a day. With our current cellphone carrier we were allowed to use a smartphone like phone at first, then they decided to make some changes. After these changes they decided to add a data plan to our phones, I called and did some {Read More}

WordPress App for Droid Incredible

Tonight as I lay here in bed, I wanted to check out the wordpress app. I never know when I maybe away from the computer and I have something important to share. I figured if I was going to have it on the phone I should probably check it out. With my daughter having some dentist appointments coming up, if I get to bored I can always blog right? Typing with the phone sideways seems to be a lot easier. {Read More}

Wal-Mart Fail and How HTC Droid Incredible Saved The Day

On the 5th of August I was in WalMart, my daughter was wanting a Hello Kitty birthday cake so I went over to have a look at them. While I was looking a worker from the bakery came out. I told her what I was looking for, she showed them to me. I asked if it was to soon to order we still had three weeks left. She said no it was fine. She grabbed her ordering forms took all {Read More}

GeoCaching Fun

Back in November of 2011 we discovered Geocaching. We had so much fun using our geomate.jr to run around the different towns in Michigan finding hidden treasure. Although, the geomate.jr shows us the location, size, difficulty, and terrain information it doesn’t show you the information about the geocache, and or the logs of those that have found it. So you either go out clueless like we often did, or you write the information down on paper and hope you have {Read More}

Manual for HTC Droid INCREDIBLE

If you’re like me you like having a manual for your new gadgets. When I received the HTC Droid INCREDIBLE in the mail, and seen there was no manual. I hit up Google, I needed a manual to go to if I got stuck. I found one and saved it to the computer, I often reference this when another Verizon Wireless Ambassador has a question. I like being helpful… I decided to go ahead and link to the HTC Droid {Read More}

What I Learned About The HTC Droid INCREDIBLE

Today I got to chat with some other Verizon Wireless Ambassadors and we all learned what all the HTC Droid INCREDIBLE is capable of doing. I have personally been playing with the phone for about a week now, and I am in awe on every little new thing I discover. Some of the things would have been left undiscovered if I didn’t attend the webinar. Such has the HTC Tracer, the customizing the lock screen, and even the adding widgets {Read More}

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