What To Consider When Buying A New Family Dog

There are so many things to consider when buying a new dog. But perhaps the most important thing, even more so than vets bills and insurance, is how your dog will get on with your kids. Studies have shown that growing up with a dog can benefit your child in many ways. These benefits can range from giving them a more active lifestyle to teaching them responsibility. It’s no wonder then that dogs are the most popular pet in the {Read More}

Caring for Your Pet in Your Will

Pets usually have shorter lifespans than their human owners, but what if you are the one who becomes ill or incapacitated, or who dies first? How would they be cared for? And who would care for them? To ensure that your beloved pet continues to receive food and water, shelter and veterinary care should something unexpected happen to you, it is crucial that you plan ahead and make provisions for your pet in the event of your passing. Provide for {Read More}

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