Caring for Your Pet in Your Will

Pets usually have shorter lifespans than their human owners, but what if you are the one who becomes ill or incapacitated, or who dies first? How would they be cared for? And who would care for them? To ensure that your beloved pet continues to receive food and water, shelter and veterinary care should something unexpected happen to you, it is crucial that you plan ahead and make provisions for your pet in the event of your passing. Provide for {Read More}

Controlling Ticks During The Summer Months

As the weather warms up, insects are becoming increasingly active in the vicinity of homes everywhere. While most bugs do not pose a severe health hazard, households should be aware of the importance of tick control to reduce the threat of Lyme disease. What is Lyme Disease? Caused by bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme disease can be passed to humans through the bite of an infected black legged tick. The most common symptoms of the disease include fever, fatigue, headache, and {Read More}

How A Brilliant Pet Can Enrich The Life Of An Elderly Relative

It’s no fun getting old, and each of us knows somebody who is in their twilight years. Though they look like they enjoy old age, their thoughts are often the same as they were decades ago. They still look out of the same eyes but can’t do the things of which they were once capable. Those wrinkles came from many years of experience and wisdom. It is often a lonely time of life, as they will tell you if you {Read More}

PULLER Dog Training Device By COLLAR LLC Review

How many of you have a dog? How many of you don’t have much time to give your four legged friend and feel they need more of a workout? Well, you’re in luck! Recently, I was introduced to a product called PULLER. The PULLER is a universal training device for dogs. It’s light weight, floats, doesn’t smell, and doesn’t cause injury to your pet. When used for as little as 20 minutes a day you will start seeing a difference {Read More}

Tips for Ensuring your Older Dog has a Good Diet

As we age, we have to adapt certain parts of our lifestyle to ensure that we are getting everything we need in our older years, as our needs can change and develop. We aim to change our diet, our exercise levels and the amount of rest we have. This is exactly the same when it comes to your dog. As they age, their diet in particular will have a huge affect on their general health so it’s absolutely crucial they {Read More}

Train your Dog With An E-Collar

One of the most modern ways to train a dog involves an e-collar. E-collars work by remote. This allows trainers to correct a dog’s behavior from a safe distance without risk of harm. Using an e-collar is simpler than other training methods but still requires all the nuance and attention of traditional dog training methods. You can click here to learn about e-collars for dogs; the following are just the basics. E-collars are primarily used to dissuade a dog from {Read More}

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