Train Your Dog To Be A Service Dog

If you find that you need the companionship of a service dog, you can learn more from companies like K-9 Companions Dog Training. With a service dog, your daily tasks will become simpler, and you will make a friend for life in your beloved dog. The beauty of these types of programs is that they as you to become an integral part of your companion dog’s training, thereby training both of you to work in tandem at the same time. {Read More}

And Then There Were Three

Last Sunday a female dog wandered into our yard, my husband brought her in, and I just couldn’t make her leave. So I gave her some food, introduced her to our boy dogs, and the rest was history. For the past week I have been trying to locate her owner, from the looks of things she was a drop off. People piss me off, I don’t understand why they get animals only to release them into the wild… I mean {Read More}

Let Pruven Help With Your Puppy Training Needs

I love puppies, but one thing I dislike about owning them, is the potty training! Potty training Bones, was pretty simple, we had a routine with him, and it seemed to work fairly well. What sealed the deal is when Bones learned he would get a treat if he went potty outside. After getting our second dog, Yoda. Potty training turned into a dreaded task, I think it was a lot easier to potty train my daughter than it was {Read More}

Pork Chomps Review and Giveaway

With having two furrbabies, we like to keep them stocked up on treats. Not any treats will do, we like treats that will be easy on their bellies, and often times we will make their treats so we know there’s not any yucky fillers or additives. Recently, I was contacted to see if we would be interested in checking out Pork Chomps. After seeing they were 100% rawhide free I said yes! Why is it important to us that our {Read More}

Bringing A Dog Into Your Family

Introducing a dog into your family can be an exciting time. It can also be a little scary – particularly if there are children involved. If it is an idea that is causing you to worry, then this is the article for you – in this article, I will be giving you a number of tips for things you can do to make this time go as safely and smoothly as possible, from initially choosing the most suitable dog all {Read More}

How much is that doggy in the window?

How much is that doggy in the window? Getting a dog is one thing, but then learning to care for it, feed it, exercise it and making sure it gets its vaccinations is another. But there we are; being a dog owner is a great responsibility. You sometimes wonder whether you’re coming or going with it. Being able to buy things online does make life a lot easier however, and an Amazon promotional code, if you have one, can be {Read More}

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