I Have Lost All Faith and Hope In Human Kind

There is a reason I am not very fond of people. Most everyone I have meant has either been a snake or a liar. If you follow my site you know that on the 22nd my dog Yoda bit me. This wasn’t the first bite, but it was the last and it has indeed cost him his life. I knew if he ever went to the animal shelter he wouldn’t come out alive, however, I had hope when I went {Read More}

I Won’t Give Up On Yoda

Giving up on Yoda, would be like giving up on one of my kids and I cannot do that. I don’t have it in me to turn my back on him. Some might say he is just a dog and risking anything is stupid. I say he isn’t just a dog, he is my family, I have my husband, my daughter and my dogs. I woke up this morning and all was well, then as I sat here I started {Read More}

So Angry It Hurts

The pain, anger and hurt I feel right now is like no other. I never was a dog person until I went back to Michigan. I never thought I could love or care for a dog, I mean they shed, they crap in the yard and at times they can be down right annoying. I am angry at myself, because I could have and I should have done more for Yoda and I am angry at Yoda, because he couldn’t {Read More}

I Failed Yoda

Disclosure: Post contains graphic photos, not intended for those with weak stomachs. I am beyond sick to my stomach right now. As I have posted before we were having problems with Yoda our boxer/mastiff. When he hit about a year old something in him changed and he started to show aggression problems. He would no longer allow us to give him a bath, clip his nails or do other things with him. We couldn’t even put a leash on him {Read More}

Let Pruven Help With Your Puppy Training Needs

I love puppies, but one thing I dislike about owning them, is the potty training! Potty training Bones, was pretty simple, we had a routine with him, and it seemed to work fairly well. What sealed the deal is when Bones learned he would get a treat if he went potty outside. After getting our second dog, Yoda. Potty training turned into a dreaded task, I think it was a lot easier to potty train my daughter than it was {Read More}

Healthy Elements Dog Food Review and Giveaway

I never seen myself owning a dog when I became an adult. While I thought they were cute, I also thought they smelled and I disliked the shedding. However, after our short stay with family in Michigan, my thoughts on owning a dog changed. While, Bones and Yoda are “dogs” they’re just like my kids! So when it comes to feeding them, we try to feed them the best. Recently, Bones and Yoda had an opportunity to check out Healthy {Read More}

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