Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream in Under 10 Minutes

Ever had a sweet tooth but nothing in the house to satisfy it? What if I told you, you could have homemade ice cream in under 10 minutes! So simple even the kids can do it. Recipe: Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream in Under 10 Minutes Ingredients 1/3 c. Powder Milk 8 ounces Cold Water 2 Tbsp Sugar 1/2 tsp Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder 3 Tbsp Evaporated Milk Ice Salt Large Bag Small Bag Instructions Mix water and powered milk in {Read More}

The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg

One thing that bugs me more than anything is boiling eggs only to have them not peel properly, or not be done all the way. With the holidays coming up, I will probably be boiling a lot of eggs. So I have found a way to make the perfect boiled egg! No more throwing away half the egg inside the shell. Follow these few steps and you will not be left cussing while you peel eggs again! Depending on how {Read More}

Healthy Halloween Treats

Living healthier can be a challenge, taking out all the things you love and trying to find a healthier alternative can be a pain. However, if you are determined you can do so. My family has found this to be true, we have changed almost everything we eat to healthier alternatives, when we make meals such as spaghetti, we make sure to add lots of veggies to the sauce. By doing this we get full faster, and we eat less {Read More}

Dark Chocolate Covered Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

With me focusing on my weight, I have been following a few ladies on facebook that have went from big to small. I figure I can get a few pointers, I never thought I would get an awesome recipe. I have a major sweet tooth, normally around that time. Often when I go to the store by myself, I will sneak candy and other junk. So when I seen the Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries recipe, I new I was going to {Read More}

Jalapeno Bacon Wrap Recipe

I love cooking, and I love trying to recipes. One great thing about family is we all have different friends, and well that means we all have different recipes to share! My sister shared one with me, that her friend showed her how to make. I am not sure what the true name is for these, or where the recipe originated from. I am going to call them Jalapeno Bacon Wrap, when my sister first made these I thought I {Read More}

Quick Fix Meals With Chef Boyardee

With being a busy mom, I like to find quick, and easy recipes to cook for my family. Sometimes, there just doesn’t seem, like there is enough hours in the day. Recently, I learned about Ready Set Eat, and discovered that you can make quick, healthy meals using Chef Boyardee. Chef Boyardee has been a favorite in our home since I was a kid, and I would have never guessed, I could add a few other ingredients and make a {Read More}

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