Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 33

Day 33 of the 70 Day Journey Gym is complete! My back is still messed up, but I am not letting that stop me from working out, I just make sure to stretch my back before working out, and if the exercise is to hard on my back I walk in place. I never thought this was going to happen, I didn’t think I would get to the point of doing a 20 minute workout and a 10 minute warm-up. {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 27 & 28

Day 27 got lost somewhere, not really I worked out day 27 and didn’t workout day 23, 24, and 25, because we were camping. I so happened to lose track of the days, being out in the woods will do that to a person! Anyways, I just finished day 28 of the 70 Day Journey Gym challenge, I have to say this is the best system I have tried to date. I have tried many fad diets, and many different {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 24, 25, and 26

Daily updates can be a challenge, when you’re gone for a few days and have little service. Today is day 26 of the 70 Day Journey Gym Challenge, out of the past 26 days there as only been like three days I didn’t workout. Two of which we were camping, I knew we were going to be hiking, so I didn’t think it was needed. In the two days we were gone, we hiked a little over 13.5 miles! We {Read More}

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