Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 51 & 52

You probably noticed I didn’t post a post yesterday. I was super busy, and today I am not feeling all to well. However, I am going to attempt to do a real quick workout before bed. I went to the doctors today, to discuss an issue I have been having, I also informed her, that their scales was broke! It is showing my weight way off, but once I explained to her what I was doing, she let me know {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 50

I hate the days when I have to do measurements, I am not sure if I am doing them properly because they always seem to move a lot. Granted I have ate some things I shouldn’t have this week, but over all I think I did rather well. I just completed day 50 of the challenge, I went and took my measurements and my weight. The weight is so back and forth it makes me sick. I know it’s not {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 49

I only have 20 more days of the 70 day Journey Gym Challenge. A lot can happen in those 20 days, I do no once it’s done, I will be going on and continuing with my journey. I probably won’t post daily like I have been, but I will keep the updates coming. As each day goes by, I am able to do more and more things, and I am loving it. I love how working out makes me feel. {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 48

It’s amazing what one can accomplish if they set their minds to it. I have been smoke free for almost 5 years, when I kicked the habit I turned to sweets, peanut butter fudge was my go to snack. This brought on the weight, I gained about 65 pounds and while I will lose, I also gain back. One thing I have discovered with the Journey Gym, it’s a fast workout, that gives results. The more I do it, the {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 47

Whew, I almost forgot I needed to get up today’s post. Thankfully, I still have a little bit of time, I am sitting here sweating my butt off, trying to get my heart rate to come down. I need to see about getting a heart rate monitor so I can keep track of my zones. I just finished my second workout for the day, and I will probably be heading to bed here soon. I like to get in a {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 46

Day 46 has come and is almost gone. I only have 24 more days of the 70 day challenge, I cannot believe how fast this time has gone. I have noticed that my body feels ran down, if I wait to long to get in my daily workout. I know this is a good thing, because it means my body is wanting that extra boost. I will be searching the internet to see if I can find some healthy crock {Read More}

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