Verizon Wireless Accessory Guide

I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassadors program and have been provided with a wireless device and three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product. If you have one of the hottest smartphones of 2013, then you’ll also want to grab some of the hottest mobile accessories available from Verizon Wireless. With all the leading brands of cases, ear buds, headphones and charging accessories in-stock, you’re sure to find exactly what you’ve been looking {Read More}

Let’s Talk Apps

As you all know I am test driving a Blackberry Z10. Chances are you will be reading a lot about this device. Whether it’s from the post I do, the chatter on twitter, or the posts written from the other Verizon Wireless Ambassadors. I think many of us are in awe with what all the new Blackberry can do. While like all new mobile OS they have to build the app store. When the iOS and Android were new they {Read More}

And You Thought Blackberries Were What You Ate!

If you follow me on twitter I am sure you know by now, that I am a Verizon Wireless Ambassador! I have been asked to come back for another round, and I am just as excited about this round as I was the last two rounds. There’s a few perks to being a Verizon Wireless Ambassador, I get to check out new devices, I get to attend webinars to get to better know the device I will be working with {Read More}

Continuing on with Verizon

I have to say, I love every minute of being a Verizon Wireless Ambassador! I am so excited to share with you all that I will be continuing with them for another three months! You know what that means right? It means a new device, and three more months of eat your heart out unlimited service. Not that I use a lot of data or minutes, but it sure is nice to have when you are out and about! Which {Read More}

My 3 Favorite Brain Teaser Apps for Android

My family is a big fan of games that make you go hmm. With being a Verizon Wireless Ambassador, I have had the opportunity to check out some of the best android apps. I have found so many that I love in categories ranging from social media to games. In the past I have shared with everyone how having a smartphone has helped make my life easier. I have also shared with y’all some of my favorite apps. Today I {Read More}

Question Everyone Wants To Ask About The Fitbit Zip

Does the Fitbit Zip count your steps while driving? With being on my weight loss adventure I have tried many different devices that help count the steps you take, all of these devices I have found to continue to count your steps while you drove or road in a vehicle. This giving you a very inaccurate step count. If you are like me you want your numbers to be as accurate as possible. You don’t want to end your day {Read More}

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