Purina Frosty Paws Giveaway

How many of you have furbabies? When we got Bones our lives changed for the better. I never thought I would be so attached to a dog. I had never been a dog person. However, Bones found his way into our hearts and our bed. He often thinks our bed is his bed, and I will often wake up to him in the middle of my husband and I, with his head on my shoulder just a snoring. With Bones {Read More}

Training Is Now In Session

Soon our beloved Bones will be having a birthday, while he will be one in human years in dog years he will be seven. We consider Bones to be our son, and he is extremely spoiled rotten. He is just what our family needed to be complete. We are planning a few trips this year and we don’t want to leave him behind, however, unless we can get him to walk like a good dog, we may have to get {Read More}

Better Food for Dogs Review

After getting Bones he quickly became a big part of our family. He is like our son, and when we go places he goes with us, when we sleep he sleeps in the bed with us, and when we eat well most the time he eats with us. Bones Christmas dinner… Ham, potatoes, corn, and some wheat bread. With dogs diets being different from humans diets we have to watch what we feed him, and we have to make sure {Read More}

Pit Bulls: Deadly or Sweet

After coming back to Tennessee in April we set out to find our family the perfect pet. Our daughter who was 10 at the time wanted a pit bull. I was scared to get a pitty, I was under the impression they were deadly dogs. I was sold by the news outlets that Pit bulls were DEADLY. When my daughter started she wanted this breed, I tried to talk her out of it. However, I had no luck, she wanted {Read More}

Wellness PetFood Treats Review

Bones is what we would call spoiled! I would have never thought I would own a dog, I had always been more of a cat person growing up, and as I did get older we went with no pets. Life always seemed easier that way, no having to worry about your pet when you went out of town, no having to worry about purchasing pet food and all that good stuff. Life was what I would call simple. After coming {Read More}

Not All Dogs Like Rachel Ray Dog Food

Bones is just like our daughter when a package arrives he is waiting to see what is in it! I often have to make him to site in his chair and wait. I guess since we do review dog products he knows some of those packages are HIS and he has to be nosy. Well recently I signed up for a free sample of Rachel Ray dog food. I wanted to find out if Bones liked it before attempting to {Read More}

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