Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 2

O.M.G is all I have to say. My legs are killing me, I woke up this morning pretty sore, funny thing is, yesterday was only a 5 minute workout. Today was one of those days where I removed myself from the computer, and went to the lake with my family. It was nice just to get out of the house, Bones, had fun playing in the water, and my husband was the only one who caught a fish. However, I {Read More}

Journey Gym 70 Day Challenge Day 1

As promised, I am going do my best to do daily updates on my progress on the 70 Day Journey Gym Challenge. This is not required of me with the program, I have received a Journey Gym, and I am getting coaching from the awesome folks at Journey Gym. The first few days I have to write down what I eat, and send it on over to Journey Gym , so they can get a better feel of what I {Read More}

A New Chapter

There comes a time in ones life, where they have to say enough is enough, and make changes. I have said this many times, I have tried many times to make the changes needed. However, I am weak and I am the first to admit it, when I see numbers not going in the direction they should, I get discourage, I give up, I cry, and I look in the mirror and pray. I pray to find the strength to {Read More}

Hit A Curve Ball

Or a curve ball hit me! I have been using the Journey Gym for the last few months, while I haven’t lost as much weight as I would have liked to at this point in my journey to finding the skinny me, I have lost 6 pounds, and I have lost a few inches. I was thrown a curve ball, and I ended up having to cut back on working out. This was not planned and it has made me {Read More}

What Works and What Doesn’t

I stepped on the scales this morning for the first time since doing the first weigh-in. I didn’t want to because I knew it was not going to be good. The first week on the journey gym I lost almost 2 pounds. I was writing everything down then I decided to do all my logging online. This was a big mistake! Using the computer to help me log everything ended up in an epic fail. I have gained back the {Read More}

First Week Done – Weigh-In

I have successfully completed week one of the 70 day Journey Gym challenge! This morning was weigh-in and I am happy to say I am done 2 pounds! I am so excited and happy, if I can lose 2 pounds a week while doing this challenge, I will have dropped 20 pounds! Which may not be lot to some but it a lot to me. I haven’t taken my measurements, and I am going to wait another week to check {Read More}

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